In 2023 we launched the college’s new CPD app, Pacinian. This tool enables Musculoskeletal Medicine fellows to effortlessly input their CME activities and track their progress towards meeting their CPD requirements. It is available at

The name, Pacinian, pays tribute to the Italian scientist Filippo Pacini, who is best known for his discovery of the Pacinian corpuscles. The name was chosen for several reasons. These primary mechanoreceptors play a significant role in our sensation of touch, making them an important aspect of Musculoskeletal Medicine in recognition of the role that manual medicine has had in the history of the college. The CPD tool allows the college to sense the progress of its fellows, much like the Pacinian corpuscle senses stimuli. Finally the corpuscles are surrounded by connective tissue, the most important tissue type to the field.

Despite facing many obstacles and skepticism from the scientific community, Pacini persevered and contributed invaluable knowledge to the field of Medicine. He demonstrated how observation and a curious mind were more important than the tools and money you had at your disposal. Just like it is not the camera but the photographer that makes the stellar photograph, it is our powers of observation that serve as our most important tool in making accurate diagnoses. Learn more about the impoverished determined observer here.

As part of the transition, all CPD activities from the old system, BPAC, have been imported into the new platform. We believe that Pacinian will better fulfill your needs, offering a more user-friendly, intuitive, robust, and college tailored system for managing your CPD activities. Through this new platform, we will also be able to monitor, evaluate, and support your professional development more effectively.

Please stay tuned for the next stage of development which will involve migrating trainees to the system as well. We are confident that you will find the new platform to be an invaluable tool in your professional journey.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Axel Busch from xlvisuals, the talented developer who has been working closely with the college to bring this project to life. Axel has a keen eye for detail and has been instrumental in ensuring that the platform meets the needs of our fellows and the college.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence in musculoskeletal medicine.